The noticing self

We are kept from our goals not by obstacles but by a clear path to a lesser goal.*
Robert Brault

The Enemy is a force creating inner conflict and stopping you from showing up as your Heroic Self.**
Todd Sherman

The Enemy, the Dictator, the Resistance –
It’s you;
We’ll have to get used to this, as
Robert McKee says:
Story is a metaphor for life,
and to be alive is to be in perpetual conflict.^

In my university work with
students and staff members, I often found
the Dictator would use anxiety and trauma, and
sometimes imposter syndrome to derail a person,
Todd Sherman adds tribal narratives – such as,
People like me don’t get to do things like this.

Here’s a simple skill to try out
for the next time one of these thoughts comes along,
Being your curious self:
Write down an unhelpful thought and allow yourself to feel the discomfort for a moment;
Write it out again, but insert before the words:
I am having the thought
Notice if anything has changed;
Write this longer sentence out again, but insert the words:
I am noticing that I am having the thought …
And again notice if anything has changed, however small.

It is likely that you will feel that you have some distance from the thought.

You may also want to think about who is the noticing self –
A Self that has highly developed talents and abilities,
Motivating values and deep passions.

*Ben Hardy’s Personality Isn’t Permanent;
**Todd Sherman’s The Alter Ego Effect;
^Robert McKee‘s newsletter: The World According to Writers.

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