Learning ourselves

Education is personal or it is nothing.*
Sir Ken Robinson

A creative person. Initiating, enacting. Using their lifetime to find their original face, to awaken their own voice, beyond all learning, habit, thought. When the human community finally knows itself, it will discover that it lives at the centre. People will be artists in their life and labour.**
M. C. Richards

From the Latin educare and the Old English educere,
Respectively led out and lead out,
Education is all about us,
What we have and what we lack,
We are learning ourselves –
You are a place of endless discovery;
Of course, this is only half the tale:
If you only focus on you, you will max you out.
If you focus on others, there will always be more^

We are surrounded by moving, breathing libraries
and universities –
Together with the wonderful world inhabit,
Making it possible to endlessly continue our education:
The Greeks thought that every person had an inner daimon
and that we should find and live in harmony with it.^^

And this, so we might make
our contribution.

*Ken Robinson’s Out of Our Minds;
**M. C. Richards’ Centering;
^Gabe Anderson’s You Max You Out;
^^Victor Strecher’s Life on Purpose.

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