Your problem, my resource

What I actually saw as my problem is actually a crucial resource.*
Stephen Gilligan

By trying to order the garden of our lives according to some design alien to it, we find ourselves at war with its innate exuberance, its non-stop self-transformation … Since we can only be as we are seen, whoever looks at us plays a part in creating us and the world we live in.**
James Carse

I had not seen all the ideas I had as being a problem,
It was someone else who saw them in this way –
I became increasingly reticent
until someone else saw me quite differently,
Encouraging me to pursue what I deeply loved –
Then my problem became a resource that
changed the direction of my life.

I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plan will have resonance within our innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.^

*Stephen Gilligan and Rober Dilts’ The Hero’s Journey;
**James Carse’s Breakfast at the Victory;
^Joseph Campbell, from Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers’ The Power of Myth.

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