Curiosity is a choice.*

We look but we do not see, because our traditional common-sense assessment of abilities distracts us from what is actually there.**
Sir Ken Robinson

The imagination awakens the wildness of the heart.^
John O’Donohue

Sometimes we need to move beyond common-sense;
There lies a wildness in each of us
Waiting to be noticed, waiting to be expressed –
We’re waiting to see what you have
for which there is no comparison:
I settled on a game called
I am a contribution.
Unlike success and failure, contribution has no other side.
It is not arrived at by comparison.^^

Where to begin:
Come up with the smallest iteration of
the idea that is forming in you,
And then play it out,
Watch what happens,
Adjust if necessary,

*Seth Godin’s blog: I was wrong about sun tea;
**Ken Robinson’s Out of Our Minds;
^John O’Donohue’s Divine Beauty;
^^Ben and Rosamund Zander’s The Art of Possibility.

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