
My hunger for freedom is my hunger for myself, my hunger for my creative initiative.*
M. C. Richards

The less you desire, the richer you are, the freer you are, the more powerful you are.**
Ryan Holliday

It’s about desiring the right things;
When we have less desire for the wrong things,
We find we have more desire for the right things
(especially the thing we want to be remembered for) –
I put it this way because it’s not
once-and-for-all, but, rather,

Marginalising the ego, abandoning it to the circumference, is a way of entering the soul. In fact it might be more accurate to say that marginalising the ego is precisely the work of the soul.^

*M. C. Richards’ Centering;
**Ryan Holiday’s Discipline is Destiny;
^James Carse’s Breakfast at the Victory.

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