What a difference a day makes*

Time is where eternity unfolds. The contemplative has always recognised the morning as the time to welcome the new day with a sense of creative expectation and openhandedness.**
John O’Donohue

When you dance on the edge of infinity,
there’s always enough …
because you aren’t taking opportunity
from anyone else, you’re creating it.^

Seth Godin

Writer-who-draws Austin Kleon divulges that,
The day is the only unit of time that I can really get my head around.
Seasons change,
weeks are completely human-made,
but the day has a rhythm.
The sun goes up; the sun goes down.
I can handle that.^^

A life of 80 years may contain
4,174 weeks or
950 months, but has an incredible
29,220 days,
Each potentially involving
eternity and infinity,
Available to us to be creative with
as we dare to imagine;
When we do the right things
at the right time, we produce
beauty, and
happiness follows.

Of course, we can get it all wrong –
I do on too many days:
We know where we are
but are we really sure we’re not lost?*^

But another day is not long in coming, and
we can play again.

James Clear asks a good question:
How should you measure your days?^*
How might we begin our day if we want to measure
creativity or
beauty or
goodness, rather than
hours put in or
emails deleted or
distractions found to pass the time?;
And what is our wisdom from yesterday that
we bring into today, and what are we discovering today that
we will take into tomorrow?

The two ways of seeing are that of the ego and the soul. The ego is the fixed earth’s agent in us; the soul is the heaven’s. The ego is concerned with centres, the soul lives on the margins, circumferences, horizons. Limitlessness is the natural element of the soul, a dread foe of the ego.*^
James Carse

*Dinah Washington sings What a Difference a Day Makes as a musical accompaniment for today’s blog;
**John O’Donohue’s Benedictus;
^Seth Godin’s The Song of Significance;
^^Austin Kleon’s blog: 30-day challenge;
*^James Carse’s Breakfast at the Victory;
^*James Clear’s 3-2-1 newsletter: How to stick to a new habit, how to handle criticism, and 4 types of wealth.

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