Human like you

Life is not linear. When you follow your own true north you create new opportunities, meet different people, have different experiences and create a different life.*
Ken Robinson

The soul is never at home in the social world that we inhabit. It is too large for our contained, managed lives.**
John O’Donohue

The word I gathered this morning took me back to the question
I have mentioned on a number of occasions,
Asked by my friend and mentor Alex:
What does it mean to you to be human?

It must be fifteen or sixteen years since Alex asked this,
And my answer has remained the same –
It is my answer, yours will be uniquely yours:
To be human is to be creative, generous, and enjoyable.

To be generous with what I create, and, as a result of
creativity and generosity, to find
an enjoyable life –
A slow journey towards my true self.

You may wish that I had not shared this,
To know is to have to do something about it,
Or to bury it:
What, then, does it mean to you to be human?

*Ken Robinson’s Out of Our Minds;
**John O’Donohue’s Divine Beauty.

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